Annette Kearl, MA, MT learned the art of Taiko Drumming with Stockton Buddhist Temple members and the Sacramento Taiko Dan. In 1993, she founded a Taiko drumming group in Moab, Utah, now named the Moab Taiko Dan. She has studied with percussionist George Grant and attended workshops facilitated by Glen Velez.

Riches, Taiko Dog Mascot, feels at one with the drums.
“It is my purpose through my skills and experience as a music therapist to invite others to practice with me the art of Taiko drumming. This ancient Japanese art teaches the drummer and those who listen, unity between thought and emotion. The fluidity of movement and resonant vibration of the drum produced physiological and neurological changes within the body/mind that balance the nervous system and lead toward perfect health and well being. A continuous “letting go” of the logical judgmental mind and conscious focus on the sound, feeling and movement, allow the drummer to experience the current moment. Within this state of heightened awareness (the “here and now”) the body/mind intelligence is functioning more freely to enhance the body’s natural healing processes. On a lighter, resonant vibration, but equally significant, the art of TAIKO drumming is creative and FUN!”
Taiko Drummers Beat Their Way to Peace; Zen practice lets drummers focus the mind
by Peggy Fletcher Stack
The giant drums emit deep, hollow sounds. The synchronized beats start slowly, become more rapid, then insistent, then almost frenzied. The pounding, though perfectly choreographed and disciplined, builds almost to ecstasy.
This is taiko drumming, taken from the ancient Buddhist tradition and performed at First Unitarian Church in Salt Lake City last Sunday, and it is meant to help participants focus their attention and lose themselves...
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Main Presenter and Workshop by Annette Kearl Taiko Drumming Performance by
Spirited Women of Moab
“A Time To Dance and Drum,” in symbols and shapes that transform the human experience toward wholeness…mind, body, soul spirit, and Earth; and enliven the rhythm of the collective heartbeat that pulsates Global community and celebration of diversity… an existence steadfast and grounded in love and peace. Participants will create and experience their own personal power!
What is Drum Talk?
Drum Talk is a modern approach to an ancient method chanting vocal syllable patterns to prepare for drumming. Kids love it! Dozens of simple music games emphasize improvisation, self-expression, listening, group communication, and leadership...
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For more information on Drum Talk: www.drumtalk.com
By Glen Velez
An Introduction to Frame Drumming
The Handance Method utilizes the concept of synchronization between the drum, the voice, and body movement.
The musical and rhythmic self is nourished in many ways…
• increased awareness of breath
• increased body awareness
• focusing of mental energy
• enhancement of memory

Annette with Djembe drum

Sacred Music and Sacred Dance for World Healing with Drepung Loseling Monks, Moab, 1999