• Glen Velez,, Hand drumming, Berkeley, California
• Sacramento Taiko Don & Stockton Bukyo Taiko, California
Instrumental Skills
• Guitar (classical, jazz, blues, fingerpicking, folk, Latin, rock)
• Basic bass guitar
• Keyboard
• Native American flute
• Pentatonic flute and recorder
• Autoharp
• Percussion (most drums, Gamelan, Orff instruments)
• Tibetan bowls
• Digeridoo
• Traditional voice
• Overtone singing
Honors and Awards
• Utah State University Music Department: Outstanding Guitar Student
• Utah State University, College of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences:
Outstanding Musicianship
Professional Experience, Workshops and Performances
State of Arizona
2008-present: Arizona Dunun Ensemble. African Drumming
2008-present: Sacred Celebrations. Classical guitarist in duo with classical violinist.
2007-present: Guitarist for Dances of Universal Peace.
State of Wyoming
2006: Member of Jackson Chorale, guitar instruction and solo coffee house performances.
State of Utah
2007-2008: Artist in Residence. Two week contract to implement “Drum Talk” into Moab Charter School (lst week 09/07; 2nd week follow-up 01/08).
1993-2006: Individual guitar instruction, solo and group ensemble performances for weddings, community functions and coffee houses.
2005: Winter Holiday Recital. Music Director, Moab Community School. Pre-school-8th Grade
1994-1998: Taiko drumming instructor and creator of Moab Taiko Don. Taiko drumming is a Japanese drumming style involving choreographed movement while playing the drum.
2004-2006: Guitarist with Moab Community Dance Band. Providing music for community contra dances held monthly.
2003- Co-conductor/teacher of community performance with the Moab Music Festival. Eleventh Season. African drumming and community choir. (Eric Thomas, conductor).
2002- Co-conductor/teacher of community performances with the Moab Music Festival Tenth Season. African drumming and community choir. (Eric Thomas, conductor)
Conductor/performer at the Northwest Athletic Association of the Deaf and the Wasatch-Cache Valley Club of the Deaf Regional Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. Taiko drumming.
Conductor/teacher 21st Century Celebrate Youth Program & Music Therapy Department. Cinco de Mayo Celebration, Logan, Utah. Taiko drumming.
Conductor/teacher at Mt. Logan Middle School Third Annual “Red Ribbon Run” Theme: “Drums Not Drugs.” Taiko drumming.
Teacher with Cache County Schools Migrant Youth Summer School Program,
Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Taiko drumming.
Workshop presenter at First Unitarian Church, Salt Lake City, Utah. Taiko drumming.
Workshop presenter at Summerfest, Rhythms of Life Festival, Children’s Art Yard, Logan, Utah. Taiko drumming.
Workshop main presenter/performance at Sacred Dance Guild Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. Taiko drumming.
Performance at Sacred Music and Sacred Dance for World Healing with Drepung Loseling Monks, Moab, Utah. Taiko drumming.
Performance for closing ceremonies and passing of the flag, Winter Olympics, Delta Center, Salt Lake City, Utah. Taiko drumming.
Performance “First Night” New Years Celebration, Salt Lake City, Utah. Taiko drumming.
Performance at Utah Arts Festival, Salt Lake City, Utah. Taiko drumming.
Performance at the Western Region Music Therapy Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. Taiko drumming.
Performance at Memorial Day Arts Festival, Moab, Utah. Taiko drumming.
Invited resident performer for Fourth Season of the Moab Music Festival, Suite for Violin and American Gamelan (Lou Harrison, composer). Played bass Gamelan with Gamelan orchestra. (Michael Barrett, conductor).
Invited resident performer for Second Annual Season of the Moab Music Festival. LaKoro Sutro (The Heart Sutra”, Lou Harrison, composer). Played bass Gamelan with Gamelan orchestra and local community choir (Michael Barrett, conductor).
State of Colorado
Performance at the Seduction of Spirit Conference (Deepak Chopra, MD), Beaver Creek, Colorado. Taiko drumming.
Workshop and performance at SkyDancer Ayurvedic Health Retreat, Durango, Colorado. Curative Aspects of Tone and Voice (workshop). Taiko drumming (performance).
State of California
Artists-in-Schools, San Joaquin County Arts Council. Performing artist presenting
Hands-on workshops in Taiko Drumming, Grades 4-6.
University of the Pacific. Celebrating Diversity. Music composer and director for performance art installation presented by the UOP Dance Department (Penelope McCalley, Director) over a period of three semesters (Fall, Winter, Spring) Themes based on multicultural mythologies.
The New Dance Company, Stockton, CA
Composer and Performing Musician
Directions. Taiko Aerobics (premiere). Choreography and arrangement
of Taiko drumming piece.
Women’s Quartet. Arranged and performed classical guitar and voice to
choreographed dance. Music themes included: Vivaldi, Concerto in D, Romanza (Molino) and Scherzo (Smith).
Bare Bones and Still Dancing. Greetings (premiere). Instrumentation: drums, chimes,
Tibetan bowls and voice.
Kitchenette. Performance art piece depicting obsessive/compulsive behaviors in dance and housewife in the kitchen. Music/sound composition using pots, pans, kitchen appliances, cabinets, etc.
Wakan Tanka (Great Spirit). Instrumentation: Taiko drums, Tibetan bowls, various Native American and Peruvian instruments, voice, overtone chanting and taped environmental and animal sounds.
Premiere. Who’s Counting. Instrumentation: Guitar and voice.
Aikidomai. Instrumentation: Chimes, Tibetan bowls, tabla drum, voice and taped ocean sounds.
2000- CD recording sessions with Sri Hanuman and Antoine Bourgeau, at Les Courmettes, France. Instrumentation: Sri Hanuman classical guitar, harmonium and voice. Antoine Bourgeau tabla drum. Annette Kearl tampura.
1 Description, media articles and video tapes available upon request.